Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas Break Favorites

Merry Christmas to you and yours! I know this is late but that I'm working again (more on that later!) I have found that I have WAY less time! Friday when I got out of school (Yes! I'm working!) I thought to myself, "Oh my goodness! I haven't made gingerbread or sugar cookies! I need to get groceries for Christmas dinner and I haven't put together the gifts for the neighbors!"

Needless to say, I spent Friday night and Christmas Eve day making and decorating cookies as well as getting everything together to make our mini Christmas Dinner. Christmas was different this year, being away from family, but decorating Christmas cookies and eating Potato soup and setting out a Christmas Eve spread like my mom always did helped me get in the Christmas mood and we ended up having a wonderful Christmas. In today's post I'd just like to share with you a little of what our Christmas was like and next week we'll get back to some regular outfit posts!

Every year I make a "Pa Package," named after my Pa who was known for making beautifully decorated packages, often adorned with one of his paintings or photographs. Here is my version this year, for my little brother.

Jeremy and I attended church Christmas Eve morning, looking very dapper if I do say so myself!

That night we enjoyed our goody tray while opening presents by candle light and the light of the tree. That's one of my favorite things about Christmas.

Christmas day we spent most of the day cooking!  We had a friend over for dinner so I was excited to make a mini  Christmas dinner on my own this year. However, Jeremy's dish definitely stole the show! Being a vegetarian, he's not big on "Christmas ham" so he made his own! He carved all the pieces from a Vegetarian Dinner roast, covered it in fake bacon and puff pastry, and he had a vegetarian boar's head! I was pretty impressed myself!

The day after Christmas was stupendous. For Christmas my parents gave us a day in Newport, RI. Since we both had time off and no family in town, we went to go see some of the Gilded Age Mansions there.

Outside Rosecliff's beautiful doors! (Coat)

Inside The Elms all decorated for Christmas!

Smiling picture outside The Elms (can you believe they were going to tear this down and make it into a parking lot before it was saved!!)

Well I know it was't a whole lot of outfit photos this time (though I have been waiting to share with you this great fur trimmed coat I scored on Black Friday!), but sometimes you just have to prioritize what's important and right now that's time with family! 

I hope your holiday time was wonderful and that you have a blessed New Year! This has been a year of changes, patience and adjustments but I am so glad we made the move we did! What are you most looking forward to in this new year? Let me know in the comments below! 

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